
Sefer Yehoshua
Haftaros Special Occasions
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Sefer Shmuel Beis
Sefer Melachim Beis
Sefer Isaiah
Sefer Melachim Alef
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Sefer Yirmiyahu
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Sifrei Trei Asar
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Yirmiyahu (47) Chapter 46 - The Destruction of Mitzrayim 05-04-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 38 min
Yirmiyahu (48) Chapter 46 - Mitzrayim, The Snake, The Mountains of Matan Torah and Yosef 05-11-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Yirmiyahu (49) Chapters 47-48 - The Destruction of the Plishtim and of Moav 05-18-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 60 min
Yirmiyahu (50) Chapter 49 - Edom and Moav- Edom and Persia- Edom and Yosef- Eilam and Bavel 05-25-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 60 min
Yirmiyahu (51) Chapter 50 - The Destruction of Bavel- Redeeming a First Born Donkey- Learning Torah in a Group 06-01-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 50 min
Yirmiyahu (52) Chapter 51 - Completing the Destruction of Bavel- Gematriya in the Pesukim- Bringing the Destruction at the Height of Their ower 06-08-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yirmiyahu (53) Chapter 52 - Destruction of the Bais Hamikdash; the 25th, 26th and 27th of Adar 06-15-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Yoel (01) Chapter 1 Locusts 02-13-19 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Yoel (02) Chapter 2 The Rain in Nissan - The Power of Teshuva 02-20-19 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Yoel (03) Chapter 3 The Future Nevua - 10 Plagues and Splitting of the Sea 02-27-19 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Yoel (04) Chapter 4 Future Judgement of the Nations - Kapara for Baal Peor 03-06-19 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Zechariah (01) Chapter 1 - The Red Horse 05-20-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Zechariah (02) Chapter 2 - The Future Yerushalayim 05-27-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Zechariah (02) Chapter 2 - The Future Yerushalayim 05-27-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Zechariah (03) Chapter 3 - Yehoshua Kohain Gadol 06-03-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Zechariah (03) Chapter 3 - Yehoshua Kohain Gadol 06-03-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Zechariah (04) Chapter 4 - The Menorah of Zechariah 06-10-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Zechariah (04) Chapter 4 - The Menorah of Zechariah 06-10-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Zechariah (05) Chapter 5 - Torah and the Bais Hamikdash and the aveiros that undermine them 06-17-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Zechariah (06) Chapter 6 - The four exiles - The Crowns of The Bais Hamikdash 06-24-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 50 min
Zechariah (07) Chapter 7 - Defeating the Yetzer Hara 07-01-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Zechariah (08) Chapter 8 - The Four Fasts - Tzitzit 07-08-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Zechariah (09) Chapter 9 - Moshiach 07-15-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min
Zechariah (10) Chapter 10 - Defeating the Nations - Destruction of The Bais Hamikdash 07-22-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min
Zechariah (11) Chapter 11 - Two staffs 09-02-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min